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Give the Gift of Counselling

Grief Support Services

For a percentage of the population their circumstances mean they can find ways through their grief without professional support. However, for many others this is not the case and they may feel caught in a complicated, confusing, overwhelming, exhausting space.

Finding a way through can be a difficult task. The counsellors at Grief Support Services offer sessions to help individuals and families/whanau talk about their loss and grief in a caring way to help make sense of, and manage, the changes that are taking place.

We have set an annual fundraising goal to be raised through funding strategies outside of our grants, trusts, and contracts.

Your help through our annual "Give the Gift of Counselling" Christmas appeal will contribute to our aim of increasing the number of individuals and families/whānau supported within our community.

All donations over $40 receive a set of 15 custom designed gift labels (while stocks last and you can opt out). Artwork has been designed exclusively for us by local Tauranga artist Paulene Longley from Flossiphy - Watercolour Artist, Surface Pattern & Fabric Designer. @Flossiphy.Art. Cards for donations received before 21st December will be posted before Christmas (although we cannot guarantee when they will arrive). All others will be posted in early January 2023.


If you can make a donation that’s fantastic and we really appreciate your support. After you donate through our website, follow the prompts to share our campaign via social media or email. Regardless of whether you are currently in a position to do so or not, there are ways you can help: encourage others to donate - from your workplace, friends, family, social media contacts or club/group; display a poster on your staff noticeboard; share our social media posts.

To donate online go to:

You are welcome to stop by and see us to donate by cash or eftpos. Our office hours are M-F 9am to 4pm and we are at 147 Chadwick Road, Greerton (up the stairs between Pizza Hut and Robyn's Cottage).

On behalf of the team at Grief Support Services, thank you for your support.

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