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Loss & Grief Awareness Week

Grief Support Services

A strong desire for people in the community to connect in response to the isolation caused by a pandemic environment is a driving force behind two events planned to coincide with Loss and Grief Awareness Week. Launched in 2014 by Skylight Trust, the week aims to help New Zealanders understand the challenging impact of loss and grief. We have partnered with Elliotts Funeral Services to bring the events to the general public in late July.

The last year has seen many situations where people have had to grieve differently or have experienced different layers of complexity when coping with their grief and loss.

Whether it’s going through illness alone without the support of overseas loved ones, being unable to travel to attend funerals, loss of income certainty, increased isolation or anxiety around the unknown, we want to support the wellbeing and resilience of individuals, families/whanau and communities.

There are two events on offer for the public with both being held at the new Elliotts Chapel on Cameron, 414 Cameron Road, Tauranga. On Thursday 29th July beginning at 7pm is A Time of Remembrance: An opportunity to come together to acknowledge bereavement & grief. This is a time for people to remember and honour those they have lost and to find some sense of healing in the face of their grief.

On Saturday 31st July from 9:30am to midday we are hosting a Loss, Change & Possibility Seminar/Workshop: Practical processes to support and guide you on your pathway of healing. This will explore natural responses to change and loss, highlight the importance of connection and self-compassion and provide practical ideas on how to cope, adapt and move towards healing. Bay Physiotherapy will be teaching aspects from the Bradcliffe breathing concept and Goldie Hamilton from Anxiety NZ will be leading a section on solutions to help calm and relax the mind.

We want people to know that it’s ok to not be ok and to understand that everyone experiences grief and loss differently. With these two events we are providing an opportunity to talk about grief and to let people know that it is possible to embrace change.

Both events are open to all with any donations to Grief Support Services gratefully received.

Catering for both events is being generously donated by Olive Tree Cottage.

Space for the Saturday seminar/workshop is strictly limited so registration is required. For all event information email or phone 07 578-4480.

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